
fun SuspendApp(context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, timeout: Duration = Duration.INFINITE, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit)(source)

An unsafe blocking edge that wires the CoroutineScope (and structured concurrency) to the SuspendApp, such that the CoroutineScope gets cancelled when the App is requested to gracefully shutdown. =>SIGTERM&SIGINT on Native & NodeJS and a ShutdownHook for JVM.

It applies backpressure to the process such that they can gracefully shutdown.



the CoroutineContext where block will execute. Use EmptyCoroutineContext to create an CoroutineDispatcher for the main thread and run there instead.


the maximum backpressure time that can be applied to the process. This emulates a SIGKILL command, and after the timeout is passed the App will forcefully shut down regardless of finalizers.


the lambda of the actual application.